412 Days

From: 12.99

This is a story of doubt, fear, and confusion, not understanding why he was suddenly put in handcuffs and jailed. But it is also a story of how God spoke, and everything began to change, and revival broke out in the jail as many in his dorm met Jesus through dreams and the word of God. It is a story of God’s hand in all of this and how God was in control the whole way, allowing this to happen because he had something he needed to do in Torben’s life and something he wants to tell every one of us through this experience.

This book can also be found on Amazon.


From the depths of a small cell in B6N, Torben Sondergaard takes us on a riveting journey through his unimaginable challenges. As events unfold in real time, he reveals the circumstances that led him to this small cell and the intense experiences that followed.

Welcome to a truly unique book, penned with a security pen on paper within the walls of a small cell in Florida, where Torben found himself imprisoned. Accusations of weapons smuggling and human trafficking were thrown around, yet no formal charges were made. In these pages, Torben shares his real-life experiences as they occurred-from moments of deep despair to unexpected joy, recognizing God’s hand even in his darkest hour. From the cry of “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” to the revival that transformed the entire pod where he was incarcerated, Torben reveals the divine revelations that sustained him and the truths God imparted to prepare us all for what lies ahead.

This book is not just an extraordinary story; it is a prophetic message for all of us-a warning of the persecution to come. It speaks of God’s kingdom and provides the strength to stand firm when the storms hit.

As you embark on this journey, you will be drawn back to the raw and authentic Christianity of the early apostles, who, like Torben, wrote from jail to encourage the faithful to keep running the race, no matter the cost.


Explore our exclusive “3 in 1” special bundle offer!

With this package, you will receive a copy of “412 Days,” +  “This is Real” t-shirt, and a set of  witness cards

all at discounted price.

Check out the offer here.👇

3 in 1 Bundle !!


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Weight 0.478 kg

Hardcover, Paperback, Ebook

Number of pages


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