Around the World: Vivek Teja

Around the World: Vivek Teja
WhatsApp Image 2021 06 24 at 3.33.29 PM

"When I'm with TLR people I always feel like I'm with my family!
My Real family!"

My name is Vivek Teja; some people call me Philip. I’m an international martial artist and have represented India for Karate and currently aiming to compete in the Olympics. Like most in India, I grew up with a very strong Hindu background. Almost a year ago, a friend of mine shared me a new year promise card (Bible Scripture) on January 1st 2020 and God spoke to me through that promise card scripture. As I read that promise I felt God promising me the same and it was much needed. That day I felt the presence of God over me I gave my life to jesus and I wanted to know him more. A church fam connected me to Sis.beulah who connected me to The Last Reformation (TLR) Malaysia. At this moment, I’m the only person in my family that is saved.    

I went to Malaysia and God connected me to TLR Malaysia team (David Miles) and I got baptized there on July 11th, 2020. It was amazing and my life changed forever. I started my walk and began to know God more and encounter Him in many ways.

David suggested to me to attend the TLR Luke 10 School in Noth Caroline (USA). But at that time, my finance was not doing well, and I didn’t have a way to go. BUT GOD provided me with travel and also provided for me to attend the school. I was so amazed by the way God was leading me to know him deeper as my provider. I could see God with me and going ahead of me to make a way for me. 

The Luke 10 School was amazing, and my life has been totally transformed. I was able to know God, and this helped me to get set free from wrong mindset, bondages and to see myself the way God sees me. I came with a lot of identity issue due to my past but by the end of the school I completely realized my identity in Christ Jesus. I learned how to be a true disciple and how important it is for people to know the true gospel due to this, my life has been completely transformed and I’m living in the fullness of what God called me to be.

In one word I can say Luke 10 School is like a Rehabilitation Center for every type of your problem.

A couple of months after the Luke 10 School, God spoke to me about returning home to India. Reluctant but willing to be obedient to God. God blessed me with good fellowship here in India, and God led all around India to some cities to make disciple. He started speaking to me through scriptures, dreams and visions directing my path.

God took us to Delhi and there we met Noah. God open many doors in Delhi to share gospel that completely surprised us. It was such an amazing thing to witness many give their lives to Jesus and receive the Holy Spirit! God connected me to few Nigerian brothers in India and since then God has been talking and leading us together to even more places. Later God led us to Goa a city that is predominantly catholic. God opened doors to reveal himself to people there in a way, that broke their culture and set them free from wrong mindsets and beliefs. Something amazing that I experienced while in Goa was “Women of God”. I have seen them taking stand in their families & society for Jesus in a way that blows my Mind. It’s truly an incredible experience.

We shared Gospel to more than 100 people just in 2 months and baptized more than 20 people and have discipled many.

God is still talking and leading me to share gospel and it’s been an adventure and truly amazing experience. All I can say after coming from United States is, in few months the way God lead and changed my life is something that can’t be put in words but just to go, live it, cherish the experience and keep moving in God’s faithfulness.

I want to encourage everyone! Know that Jesus Loves you, He is the only true living God. He will never ever leave you nor forsake you. Jesus is very REAL and I have experienced Him in a radical way. You have any prayers; He is an answer to your prayers! No worldly doctors can do what Jesus can do. The only place you can find your peace is in Jesus.

Jesus is Real, He is Alive!

He is the Alpha & The Omega.

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We believe that what we read in the book of Acts is also for today and that we need to come back to the simple disciple life the first Christians had.

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